22 May 2023 to 26 May 2023
In many cases, multiple scattering models and methods are designed with a specific application in mind, typically in engineering or applied sciences. The workshop will bring together researchers applying multiple scattering to solve real-world problems, so as to identify common knowledge gaps and emerging applications. The application areas include among others mechanics and thermal physics, interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter and acoustics. Special focus will be placed on both structured materials and metamaterials for which semi-analytic approach to multiple scattering is pivotal. These kinds of materials allow waves to be manipulated on demand.
The main goal of the workshop is bringing together experts working in this field to foster the dissemination and sharing of ideas that could lead to innovative solutions and pave the way for the development of devices for various applications in the broad field of Wave Physics. The sharing of theoretical, numerical and experimental results is welcome. We encourage participants to submit their work in this field concerning, among others, the following topics:
The workshop will include invited presentations given by distinguished scientists and contributed talks. The participation of early career researchers and researchers working in industry is particularly encouraged.
Registration Only
The Registration Package includes admission to all seminars, lunches and refreshments on the days that lectures take place (Monday - Friday), wine reception and formal dinner, but does not include other meals or accommodation.
Virtual Registration
Virtual registration is free, and includes virtual admission to all seminars and does not include physical attendance, meals or accommodation.
Formal Dinner Only
Participants on the Registration Package, including organisers and speakers, are automatically included in this event. For all remaining participants who would like to attend, such as programme participants, the above charge will apply.
Unfortunately we do not have any accommodation to offer so all successful applicants will need to source their own accommodation.
Please see the Hotels Combined website for a list of local hotels and guesthouses.
Lunch Lunch timings and location will be confirmed with the timetable.
Evening Meal Participants are free to make their own arrangements for dinner.
Formal Dinner The Formal Dinner will be held at Trinity College on Wednesday 24th May at 19:30.
The event is a tradition for INI participants and gives you a chance to socialise with your colleagues on a more personal level. It is not one to miss!
Participants on the Registration Package, including organisers and speakers, are automatically included in this event.
The Institute kindly requests that any papers published as a result of this programme’s activities are credited as such. Please acknowledge the support of the Institute in your paper using the following text:
The author(s) would like to thank the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, for support and hospitality during the programme Multiple scattering in engineering and applied sciences, where work on this paper was undertaken. This work was supported by EPSRC grant EP/R014604/1.
The Organisers would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support of the event:
Monday 22nd May 2023 | |||
09:00 to 09:40 | No Room Required | ||
09:40 to 09:45 |
Clare Merritt Newton Gateway to Mathematics |
Room 1 | |
09:45 to 10:30 |
Alexander Movchan University of Liverpool |
Room 1 | |
10:30 to 10:50 | No Room Required | ||
10:30 to 10:50 | Discussion Room | ||
10:50 to 11:35 |
Natasha Movchan University of Liverpool |
Room 1 | |
11:35 to 12:20 |
Yan Pennec Université de Lille |
Room 1 | |
12:20 to 13:40 | No Room Required | ||
13:40 to 14:25 |
Peter Gibson York University (Canada) |
Room 1 | |
14:25 to 15:10 |
Malte Peter Universität Augsburg |
Room 1 | |
15:10 to 15:30 | Discussion Room | ||
15:10 to 15:30 | No Room Required | ||
15:30 to 16:15 |
Daniel Torrent Universitat Jaume I |
Room 1 | |
16:15 to 17:00 |
Thomas Brunet University of Bordeaux |
Room 1 | |
17:00 to 18:00 | No Room Required |
Tuesday 23rd May 2023 | |||
09:00 to 09:45 |
Valentin Leroy CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique); Université Paris Cité |
Room 1 | |
09:45 to 10:30 |
Pedro David Garcia Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas |
Room 1 | |
10:30 to 10:50 | Discussion Room | ||
10:30 to 10:50 | No Room Required | ||
10:50 to 11:35 |
Vincent Pagneux Université du Maine |
Room 1 | |
11:35 to 12:20 |
Mohamed Farhat King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) |
Room 1 | |
12:20 to 13:40 | No Room Required | ||
13:40 to 14:25 |
Vassos Achilleos CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) |
Room 1 | |
14:25 to 15:10 |
Salvatore Torquato Princeton University |
Room 1 | |
15:10 to 15:30 | No Room Required | ||
15:10 to 15:30 | Discussion Room | ||
15:30 to 16:15 |
Allard Mosk Universiteit Utrecht |
Room 1 | |
16:15 to 17:00 |
Daniel Colquitt University of Liverpool |
Room 1 |
Wednesday 24th May 2023 | |||
09:00 to 09:45 |
Alexander Mamonov University of Houston |
Room 1 | |
09:45 to 10:30 |
Fioralba Cakoni Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Room 1 | |
10:30 to 10:50 | No Room Required | ||
10:30 to 10:50 | Discussion Room | ||
10:50 to 11:35 |
Malin Goteman Uppsala Universitet |
Room 1 | |
11:35 to 12:20 |
Rafael Mendez Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) |
Room 1 | |
12:20 to 13:40 | No Room Required | ||
13:40 to 15:30 | Discussion Room | ||
13:40 to 15:30 | Room 1 | ||
15:30 to 16:00 | No Room Required | ||
19:30 to 22:00 | No Room Required |
Thursday 25th May 2023 | |||
09:00 to 09:45 |
Mahmoud Hussein University of Colorado Boulder |
Room 1 | |
09:45 to 10:30 |
Noé Jiménez Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas |
Room 1 | |
10:30 to 10:50 | No Room Required | ||
10:30 to 10:50 | Discussion Room | ||
10:50 to 11:35 |
Ying Wu King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) |
Room 1 | |
11:35 to 12:20 |
Jean-Philippe Groby CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) |
Room 1 | |
12:20 to 13:40 | No Room Required | ||
13:40 to 14:25 |
Marco Miniaci CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) |
Room 1 | |
14:25 to 15:10 |
Alex Skvortsov University of New South Wales |
Room 1 | |
15:10 to 15:30 | Discussion Room | ||
15:10 to 15:30 | No Room Required | ||
15:30 to 16:15 |
Nicole Kessissoglou University of New South Wales |
Room 1 | |
16:15 to 17:00 |
Ben Wilks University of Otago |
Room 1 |
Friday 26th May 2023 | |||
09:00 to 09:45 |
Rodolfo Venegas University Austral of Chile |
Room 1 | |
09:45 to 10:30 |
William Parnell University of Manchester |
Room 1 | |
10:30 to 10:50 | Discussion Room | ||
10:30 to 10:50 | No Room Required | ||
10:50 to 11:35 |
Georgios Theocharis Université du Maine |
Room 1 | |
11:35 to 12:20 |
Romain Fleury EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Room 1 | |
12:20 to 13:40 | No Room Required | ||
13:40 to 14:25 |
Jin Huang University of Bristol |
Room 1 | |
14:25 to 15:10 |
Marc Martí sabaté Universitat Jaume I |
Room 1 | |
15:10 to 15:30 | No Room Required | ||
15:10 to 15:30 | Discussion Room | ||
15:30 to 16:15 |
Kim Pham ENSTA ParisTech |
Room 1 | |
16:15 to 17:00 |
Haris Skokos University of Cape Town |
Room 1 |
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“A world famous place for research in the mathematical sciences with a reputation for efficient management and a warm welcome for visitors”
The Isaac Newton Institute is a national and international visitor research institute. It runs research programmes on selected themes in mathematics and the mathematical sciences with applications over a wide range of science and technology. It attracts leading mathematical scientists from the UK and overseas to interact in research over an extended period.
INI has a vital national role, building on many strengths that already exist in UK universities, aiming to generate a new vitality through stimulating and nurturing research throughout the country.During each scientific programme new collaborations are made and ideas and expertise are exchanged and catalysed through lectures, seminars and informal interaction, which the INI building has been designed specifically to encourage.
For INI’s knowledge exchange arm, please see the Newton Gateway to Mathematics.
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