Programme |
Free boundary problems and related topics [FRB]6 January 2014 to 4 July 2014 |
Inference for change-point and related processes [ICP]13 January 2014 to 7 February 2014 |
Mathematical, statistical and computational aspects of the new science of metagenomics [MTG]24 March 2014 to 17 April 2014 |
Advanced Monte Carlo methods for complex inference problems [MCM]22 April 2014 to 16 May 2014 |
Infectious Disease Dynamics - Follow-up Meeting [IDF]19 May 2014 to 6 June 2014 |
Interactions between dynamics of group actions and number theory [GAN]9 June 2014 to 4 July 2014 |
Theory of water waves [TWW]14 July 2014 to 8 August 2014 |
Quantum control engineering: mathematical principles and applications [QCE]21 July 2014 to 15 August 2014 |
Understanding microbial communities; function, structure and dynamics [UMC]11 August 2014 to 19 December 2014 |
Systemic risk: mathematical modelling and interdisciplinary approaches [SYR]18 August 2014 to 19 December 2014 |
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