If you intend to be away from the Institute for more than three weekdays, please leave details of how you can be contacted with Reception or by emailing reception@newton.ac.uk. If you plan an absence of more than five days, please consult the Business and Operations Manager who can be contacted at administrator@newton.ac.uk. Such absences may have implications for your subsistence allowance (if applicable), unless you are visiting another UK academic institution. It may be necessary for somebody else to use your desk during any absence because of the pressure of office space.
Visitors to the INI who are subject to immigration control should check the terms of the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) and if required to do so, make an application for ATAS approval.
See also Visas.
When publishing papers authors are asked to include the following:
The author(s) would like to thank the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences for support and hospitality during the programme [insert programme name] when work on this paper was undertaken. This work was supported by: EPSRC grant number EP/R014604/1″.
INI Seminar Room 1
INI Seminar Room 2
Lecture Capture and Archiving:
The Institute is committed to making seminars and lectures widely accessible online. Both seminar rooms are equipped with lecture capture facilities for this purpose. Please note that recordings may not be possible for events booked with less than 1 day’s notice.
Speaker Opt-Out Policy:
The INI operates an opt-out policy for lecture recordings. Speakers will be reminded that they can decline live streaming and recording up to 48 hours before their talk.
Sharing Presentations and Lecture Notes:
We encourage visitors to submit their presentations and lecture notes for publication on our website. This enhances the accessibility of research at the Institute.
IT and Audiovisual Help:
For further audiovisual or IT assistance, please contact the helpdesk at helpdesk@newton.ac.uk.
See also Lectures / Seminars.
Cambridge is one of the UK’s most cycle-friendly cities, with nearly a third of its residents commuting on two wheels. You will find numerous local hire services (including recent dockless schemes and more traditional hire arrangements) available during your visit. If you require any further information about hiring bicycles, please see Reception staff or email reception@newton.ac.uk.
The Institute has funding to assist participants who have child, or other, care needs.
INI is committed to removing barriers to participation in its Programmes. It strives to facilitate necessary child or other care support, as appropriate, on a case-by-case basis with the recommendation of Programme Organisers.
Assistance can take the form of :
To apply for funding, please complete this form and send to administrator@newton.ac.uk
All requests for financial support require approval by the principal Programme Organiser.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Business and Operations Manager for any advice or guidance in requesting support (administrator@newton.ac.uk).
The Isaac Newton Institute asks all of its staff and visitors to treat each other with dignity and respect at all times. Any issues should be reported directly to the Business and Operations Manager or Director. Please click the following link to view our Code of Conduct poster, which is prominently displayed throughout the Institute.
There is a kitchenette area, including a microwave, kettle and a self-service machine which can be used to make coffee, tea and hot chocolate, on the mezzanine floor.
Cold drinks and snacks are also available.
In order that the Institute can use its limited facilities and resources effectively, please ensure you keep INI informed of any changes to your visit dates. If you need to change these dates before you receive your formal ‘Confirmation of Resources’ please go into ISAAC and change your dates; if you need to change your visit dates after the ‘Confirmation of Resources’ has been sent to you, please contact programmes@newton.ac.uk.
There are various matters that need to be dealt with before visitors leave the Institute:
Programme Participants / Visiting Fellows:
Workshop Participants:
The Institute is located at 20 Clarkson Road, Cambridge, CB3 0EH. For full road, rail, bus and air directions please see the “How to find us” page.
On arrival, Programme Participants are issued an entry card that will enable them to enter the building at any time by the front and rear entrances. Use of doors without an entry card between 17:00 and 08:30 and at weekends or public holidays will result in the sounding of the intruder alarm and security will be summoned automatically.
Workshop participants are not issued with an entry card.
Those visitors allocated an office space will be issued with the office key. You are advised to lock your office and windows when it is likely to be unoccupied. The University Security Office secures the building each night, locking all office doors and windows. Visitors should ensure they have their key with them after 19:00 to avoid being locked out of their offices. Security may check the building at various times during the night.
If you lose your key or entry card, please inform Reception immediately.
See also Opening Hours.
The Institute has laid out its aims for adopting sustainable, ecologically-minded practice in all of its activities within its current “environmental action plan”. For more information see our “Green impact at INI” pages.
The Isaac Newton Institute is committed to equal opportunities at all levels of our activities. Click here to view our current Equality and Diversity Action Plan (2018-2020).
If you are receiving an allowance for living expenses (per diem) or are claiming travel expenses, please note that payments are made in arrears on a monthly basis. Payments are made directly to bank accounts.
Please note that per diem payments are not made for visits of less than two weeks (see Length of Stay).
If you require a travel expenses form, please speak to a member of the Finance Team or contact finance@newton.ac.uk. Please then complete and return this with original receipts.
Please note, all payments are made by the central University Finance department, who request that evidence of bank account details are provided in the form of a bank statement or similar, for clarity and security.
If you discover a fire, sound the fire alarm by breaking the glass at one of the red fire alarm call points. Attempt to deal with the fire if possible but do not take personal risks. If you hear the fire alarm sound (a loud continuous ringing), telephone the Fire Brigade by lifting a telephone receiver and dialling 1999 from an internal phone. When the operator replies, say “Fire at 20 Clarkson Road, Cambridge”.
Do not replace the receiver until the operator has repeated the address. Leave the building by the nearest exit and assemble in the car park at the side of the main building. Occupants of the Gatehouse may assemble in the Reception area of the main building, unless the alarm has sounded there as well.
In the event of a fire, do not use the lift, do not attempt to collect personal belongings before leaving the building and do not re-enter the building. If you are unable to use the stairs because of decreased mobility please make your way to one of the landings on the staircases in the northeast or southwest corners of the main building and wait for assistance. The stairwells provide 20 minutes of fire resistance.
Please note that in Seminar Room 1 the area around the room which is carpeted in beige must be kept clear of chairs and personal belongings at all times as it is needed as an escape route in case of fire.
Please ensure that all chairs and personal belongings are kept within the red-carpeted area of Seminar Room 2 to allow sufficient space around the outside edge of the Seminar Room for an emergency evacuation.
The fire alarm is tested each Friday at 8:45am.
If you require first aid, please contact Reception.
Furniture items such as footrests, desk lamps and additional small tables are available on request from Reception. If you have any problems with the furniture provided or require something that is not already in your office please email reception@newton.ac.uk.
See also Stationery.
Insurance policies at the Institute cover only Institute equipment. If you wish to bring your own computer or other equipment, please ensure that you obtain adequate insurance cover.
The Institute has a scheme of ‘Junior Membership of the Isaac Newton Institute’. Graduate students and early-career researchers in UK universities within 5 years of receiving their PhD are eligible to apply. Please contact reception@newton.ac.uk for further details.
Visitors are welcome to use their own laptops (or tablets or phone). There is seating with power points in the mezzanine area. Please avoid trailing cables. If you need assistance, please contact the IT Staff in the Admin Office or by email at helpdesk@newton.ac.uk.
Lectures and seminars should be arranged with the agreement and cooperation between the organisers of the current programmes. Where possible, seminar rooms should be booked three working days in advance through Reception. Please note that where possible lectures / seminars should not be booked to finish after 17:00.
Information about seminars at the Institute is distributed weekly via INI’s mailing lists. Details of seminars should be given to Reception by the end of the Tuesday of the week before they are scheduled so that they can be included in these lists.
Please see Upcoming Seminars for all the latest seminar information.
The INI prides itself on providing a purpose-built environment to facilitate long-term collaborative and interdisciplinary interactions between its visiting academics. Whilst appreciating that finding time to visit INI can be challenging, the INI encourages all participants on its research programmes to stay for as long as possible to uphold its spirit and purpose.
Experience has proven that short visits (of one week or less) are not long enough for programme participants to fully engage with others, and hence to be rewarding as regards developing new insight or collaborations. Visitors are therefore strongly encouraged to stay for a minimum of two weeks (this, of course, excludes those visitors who are here solely to attend a workshop or other short-term event).
Please note that there is a significant administrative burden for each programme participant visit to the Institute, and therefore programme visitors who are here for less than two weeks will not automatically be allocated a per diem, nor listed as a priority for an office space (visitors are invited to use the communal mezzanine area). However, please do contact the Institute’s Administrative Team if this would cause any significant issues.
Library services are offered by the Betty & Gordon Moore Library
Leaflets, guidebooks and maps can be found on the shelves just outside the admin office. The Visit Cambridge website contains a large amount of current information about leisure and events in Cambridge and the surrounding area.
See also University Lectures and Events.
Lunch is available in the cafeterias at Churchill College and Robinson College. Hot and cold food is also available at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences. For those who would prefer to bring their own lunch, there is a refrigerator and a microwave oven on the Mezzanine Floor of the Institute.
The Institute sends out a monthly news bulletin which you can subscribe to here.
Information about local healthcare services can be found on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group website.
All overseas visitors are entitled to free emergency treatment under the NHS. Emergency means essential treatment, which cannot be reasonably delayed until the patient returns to their home country. If you do not normally live in the UK and you do not meet one of the exemptions from charges then you will have to pay for any treatment you might need. We strongly advise participants to consider taking out appropriate health insurance for non-emergency treatment. Further information about healthcare for overseas visitors can be found on the NHS Choices website.
See also First Aid.
A selection of Isaac Newton Institute merchandise, including t-shirts, pens, mugs and USB drives, is available on the ground floor reception area. Please pay for merchandise at Reception.
The Newcomers and Visiting Scholars have a programme of social events during University term time, including weekly coffee mornings at the University Centre to which children are welcome. Other social events include tours of the Colleges, and visits to other towns and cities, such as London and Stratford-upon-Avon. Events require advance booking.
A selection of national newspapers are available on the newspaper rack by break out area.
Office space at INI is limited and most offices are shared work spaces. Each programme is allocated a number of 2 and 3 people offices. Visitors who are not allocated an office have the option to work in the mezzanine work area.
Normal opening hours are Monday to Friday 08:30-17:00.
See also Entry Cards and Keys.
Visitors can park in the Institute’s car park if space allows. Cars should be registered with Reception where a parking permit will be issued.
There are photocopiers located on the mezzanine floor which can also be used to scan and email documents. Visitors should observe copyright regulations when making copies; these are displayed next to the photocopier.
Incoming post is delivered to the mailboxes on the first floor.
Items to be sent by post should be brought to Reception by 14:30 Monday to Friday, with the visitor’s name noted in the top left hand corner.
The Institute has boards which can be used to display posters. The size of the boards is 1170 mm x 890 mm (3′ 10″ x 2′ 11″). Please check your invitation letter to determine if your request to present a poster has been accepted.
Participants who wish to print out large posters for display at our poster sessions are advised to use the Old Schools Reprographics Centre. You may send posters through in advance of your visit and then collect them upon your arrival in Cambridge.
Papers written at the Institute or based on work carried out at the Institute can be included in the Isaac Newton Institute Preprint Series. Participants are strongly encouraged to submit relevant papers to this series by sending a .pdf to preprints@newton.ac.uk. We will then assign it a number and add it to the series online, as well as displaying a bound copy on the mezzanine level display area. The author may request bound copies if required. If you have any questions about submitting a preprint, please email preprints@newton.ac.uk or speak to the Reception.
Our preprint series is an online repository that complies with the Green Open Access model, to provide greater accessibility to our research output. Find out more about this initiative on the University’s Open Access website.
Visitors are asked to acknowledge support from the Institute in their preprints.
See also Publications.
A multi-function device (printer/copier/scanner) is located outside room M12. You may save scans to a USB drive, or email them to yourself. The Institute does not normally charge participants for printing unless the facilities have been used unreasonably or inconsiderately.
Information about past, current and future programmes can be found in the Programmes section of our website.
The Institute’s Scientific Steering Committee considers proposals for 1-, 4- or 6-month research programmes, to be submitted by 31 January and 31 July each year. See our “Submit a proposal” page for more details. A Scoping Meeting may be useful before submission of a proposal, particularly when different disciplinary approaches need to be integrated or where a shared language needs to be developed, for example when there is no strong history of interdisciplinary work to rely upon. Full details are available on the Scoping Meetings page.
The Institute produces a variety of publications on its activities, including our Preprint Series, Annual Report, Newsletter and Case Studies. For a full list, please see our Publications page.
Visitors are asked to acknowledge support from the Institute in their publications (see above). It would also be appreciated if authors would keep the Institute informed of any papers completed after their visit based on work carried out at the Institute.
The Institute is committed to reducing its environmental impact by the recycling and composting of items whenever possible. To this end, please check the information sheets displayed by the recycling, compost and general waste bins provided throughout the building. For further help, please don’t hesitate to consult a member of staff and the University’s detailed A-Z recycling and waste list.
For more information on the Institute’s recycling initiatives please see: newton.ac.uk/about/green-impact
An overview of local schools provision and admissions, aimed specifically at Visiting Scholars, can be found on the University’s Childcare Office website.
Cambridgeshire County Council advise that, if you have come from overseas, your child may be eligible for a Cambridgeshire school place if they are aged between 4 and 16, and if they will be resident in Cambridgeshire for six teaching weeks or longer. Because of differences in the availability of school places in different parts of the city, non-EC nationals who expect to be accompanied by school-age children should draw this to the attention of the Housing Co-ordinator who will take account of this when seeking accommodation for them.
More detailed information can be found on the Cambridgeshire County Council School Admissions webpages. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, their Admissions Team can be contacted at admissions@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
See also Childcare.
In the event of any emergency or breach of security at the Institute please inform the Business and Operations Manager – 35981, or University Security – 31818 (24 hours) immediately.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the Institute building or the grounds of the Institute and Centre for Mathematical Sciences. The Institute’s designated smoking area is outside the Betty and Gordon Moore Library located on the CMS Compound. The designated smoking area can be found by exiting the back door to the Institute.
There are various facilities available in Cambridge to cater for your needs: Cambridge University Sport website.
The Institute staff are here to make your stay in Cambridge as fruitful, pleasant and trouble-free as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have difficulties; we shall do our best to resolve them. The staff listing can be found here.
General stationery items are available on the shelves on the Mezzanine floor or ask at Reception during office hours.
See also Furniture and Office Equipment.
The cost of telephone calls is not charged to individuals, but please be mindful of the high cost of international calls, and use free means of calling (e.g. Zoom) where possible.
The University Centre, a facility for graduates and staff of the University, is located overlooking the river in Granta Place off Mill Lane. There is a cafeteria serving lunch and evening meals seven days a week, as well as a restaurant and additional cafeteria, with newspapers, periodicals and televisions. Visitors who wish to use the University Centre may collect a card from reception.
The official publication of the University, the Cambridge University Reporter, gives details of some of the lectures and seminars open to the public. It is published every week during term time.
Talks.cam gives details of talks held throughout the University that are open to the public.
What’s On lists public events run by the University, and includes exhibitions, performances, clubs and classes, as well as talks
In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible to store valuables in the Institute safe. Visitors for whom this is necessary should consult the Finance Co-ordinator. The Institute can accept no liability for visitors’ possessions.
It is the personal responsibility of any visitors from outside the UK coming to the INI to determine whether or not they require a visa for entry into the UK. Visitors should consult the UK Visa & Immigration website to determine the requirements for their own personal situation. Visitors should also be mindful of whether or not they will enter the UK multiple times during their visit to the INI, for example, if travelling into Europe to attend other meetings or conferences during the period of their visit to the INI.
Typically, if a UK entry visa is required, an INI visitor visiting the UK for less than 6-months to attend an INI Programme might apply for a Standard UK Visitor Visa under the Business Category. In some cases, the Academic Category might be more appropriate.
Visitors should allow adequate time to make their visa application ahead of their visit to the UK. Current processing times for making an application from outside the UK are detailed on the UKVI website.
In addition, visitors should check the terms of the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) and if required to do so, make an application for ATAS approval.
Letters confirming an individual’s INI visit dates and the resources allocated to them are provided to all INI visitors. These can be given to home institutions as proof of intended visit and to support visa applications. The INI is unable to accept requests for additional information to be added to the standard confirmation letters provided.
Please note, the INI and the University of Cambridge cannot give immigration advice to visitors coming to the UK as there are many considerations that are personal to the individual and their visit. The INI and the University of Cambridge cannot intervene in any visa applications submitted to UKVI or third parties, nor can they expedite them.
All long-term participants from overseas institutes in Newton Institute programmes are encouraged to give seminars at, or to make short visits to, UK institutions outside Cambridge during their stay. To support this activity, the Institute will cover the travel expenses involved for any participant who is formally invited to speak at another institution; the host institution is expected to cover any accommodation and incidental costs. Further details are available on our webpage for participants willing to speak elsewhere.
Use this for pages on our website, including: visitor information, details about INI, fellowships, history, outreach, news, podcasts and more.
Use this for information about INI programmes, workshops, seminars, pre-prints, and participants.